NYT Mobile

NYT Mobile

NYT Mobile

NYT Mobile


This project involved designing a set of screens within The New York Times mobile app during the COVID-19 pandemic when people were forced into quarantine and confined to their homes. Aligned with the brand’s mission "to seek the truth and help people understand the world," the redesign focused on features that offered targeted health insights, COVID-19 updates, and personal stories. The goal was to bring clarity and comfort to users during this unprecedented time by curating content that is both informative and empathetic, addressing the heightened need for reliable information and connection.

My role

UX/UI design
Content organization

The tools

Adobe Suite



NYT Mobile


This project involved designing a set of screens within The New York Times mobile app during the COVID-19 pandemic when people were forced into quarantine and confined to their homes. Aligned with the brand’s mission "to seek the truth and help people understand the world," the redesign focused on features that offered targeted health insights, COVID-19 updates, and personal stories. The goal was to bring clarity and comfort to users during this unprecedented time by curating content that is both informative and empathetic, addressing the heightened need for reliable information and connection.

My role

UX/UI design
Content organization

The tools

Adobe Suite



NYT Mobile


This project involved designing a set of screens within The New York Times mobile app during the COVID-19 pandemic when people were forced into quarantine and confined to their homes. Aligned with the brand’s mission "to seek the truth and help people understand the world," the redesign focused on features that offered targeted health insights, COVID-19 updates, and personal stories. The goal was to bring clarity and comfort to users during this unprecedented time by curating content that is both informative and empathetic, addressing the heightened need for reliable information and connection.

My role

UX/UI design
Content organization

The tools

Adobe Suite



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System design

  • A layered system of pages within the NYT app was made to guide users through a tiered information experience.

  • Starting with a broad "parent" screen focused on general health news, the system then narrows down to a more specific COVID-19 news page, and finally, to the most detailed layer featuring personal COVID-19 narratives.

  • This allowed a cohesive user experience across the app but also facilitated easier navigation through increasingly specific content, ensuring users could access information relevant to their needs at varying levels of detail.

Content strategy and experience design

  • Each screen was content-curated that included specific features designed to support the established experience pillars, directly contributing to customer value.

  • These features were carefully selected to ensure that each screen not only delivered content effectively but also enhanced the user’s experience by making the information more accessible and engaging.

Prototyping and user feedback

  • The design process involved creating paper prototypes for each screen, which allowed for rapid testing and iteration.

  • This iterative approach ensured that the final designs were user-centered, addressing specific user needs and improving the overall usability of the app.


System design

  • A layered system of pages within the NYT app was made to guide users through a tiered information experience.

  • Starting with a broad "parent" screen focused on general health news, the system then narrows down to a more specific COVID-19 news page, and finally, to the most detailed layer featuring personal COVID-19 narratives.

  • This allowed a cohesive user experience across the app but also facilitated easier navigation through increasingly specific content, ensuring users could access information relevant to their needs at varying levels of detail.

Content strategy and experience design

  • Each screen was content-curated that included specific features designed to support the established experience pillars, directly contributing to customer value.

  • These features were carefully selected to ensure that each screen not only delivered content effectively but also enhanced the user’s experience by making the information more accessible and engaging.

Prototyping and user feedback

  • The design process involved creating paper prototypes for each screen, which allowed for rapid testing and iteration.

  • This iterative approach ensured that the final designs were user-centered, addressing specific user needs and improving the overall usability of the app.


System design

  • A layered system of pages within the NYT app was made to guide users through a tiered information experience.

  • Starting with a broad "parent" screen focused on general health news, the system then narrows down to a more specific COVID-19 news page, and finally, to the most detailed layer featuring personal COVID-19 narratives.

  • This allowed a cohesive user experience across the app but also facilitated easier navigation through increasingly specific content, ensuring users could access information relevant to their needs at varying levels of detail.

Content strategy and experience design

  • Each screen was content-curated that included specific features designed to support the established experience pillars, directly contributing to customer value.

  • These features were carefully selected to ensure that each screen not only delivered content effectively but also enhanced the user’s experience by making the information more accessible and engaging.

Prototyping and user feedback

  • The design process involved creating paper prototypes for each screen, which allowed for rapid testing and iteration.

  • This iterative approach ensured that the final designs were user-centered, addressing specific user needs and improving the overall usability of the app.

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This project showcased how a thoughtful redesign could potentially enhance user engagement and information accessibility within The New York Times app. Through detailed design and strategic content structuring, the project highlighted the potential benefits of enhancing digital environments to support users in accessing and interacting with critical information during challenging times.

While the project has not been publicly launched, the insights and designs developed offer valuable directions for future development. The next steps would involve further refining the user interface and interaction design based on feedback and emerging UX best practices. This could potentially lead to exploring partnerships or discussions with stakeholders at The New York Times or similar entities to consider the real-world applicability and implementation of the redesign.


This project showcased how a thoughtful redesign could potentially enhance user engagement and information accessibility within The New York Times app. Through detailed design and strategic content structuring, the project highlighted the potential benefits of enhancing digital environments to support users in accessing and interacting with critical information during challenging times.

While the project has not been publicly launched, the insights and designs developed offer valuable directions for future development. The next steps would involve further refining the user interface and interaction design based on feedback and emerging UX best practices. This could potentially lead to exploring partnerships or discussions with stakeholders at The New York Times or similar entities to consider the real-world applicability and implementation of the redesign.


This project showcased how a thoughtful redesign could potentially enhance user engagement and information accessibility within The New York Times app. Through detailed design and strategic content structuring, the project highlighted the potential benefits of enhancing digital environments to support users in accessing and interacting with critical information during challenging times.

While the project has not been publicly launched, the insights and designs developed offer valuable directions for future development. The next steps would involve further refining the user interface and interaction design based on feedback and emerging UX best practices. This could potentially lead to exploring partnerships or discussions with stakeholders at The New York Times or similar entities to consider the real-world applicability and implementation of the redesign.

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I’m Hannah — a product designer based in Seattle

I’m Hannah — a product designer based in Seattle

I’m Hannah — a product designer based in Seattle